
[토익 Part 5] 부사절 접속사

태봉2 2024. 7. 5. 23:11

부사절 접속사 모양

부접 S+V+O/C, (종속절) S+V+O/C (주절)
S+V+O/C (주절) 부접, S+V+O/C (종속절)

 - 종속절, 주절 위치 바꿔도 됨 (부사가 이끄는게 종속절)


부사절은 연결된 두개의 문장이 각각 완전한 문장을 가지는 것이 특징이다.

그리고 부접은 두개의 절을 붙이는 접착제 역할을 하므로,

부사절 접속사 문제는 해석으로 풀 수 없고 문장의 구조를 봐야 한다.

——— Ms. Nelson has limited professional experience, the HR manager wants to work with her because of her outstanding attitude.
(A) Despite
(B) In spite of
(C) Although
(D) Nevertheless


위 보기 4개는 모두 "~에도 불구하고"라는 뜻으로 해석될 수 있지만 부사절 접속사인 Although만 쓰일 수 있다.

나머지 3개는 전치사임


1. 부사절 접속사 종류

1) 시간

once ~하자마자, 일단 ~하면
as soon as ~하자마자
after ~후에
before ~전에
when, as ~할 때
while ~하는 동안
until ~까지
since ~이래로

When the CEO announced the new initiative, employees swiftly adapted.


2) 조건

if ~라면
provided (that)
providing (that)
assuming (that)
unless ~아니라면
as long as ~하는 한
in case (that) ~인 경우에 대비하여
in the event (that)


As long as employees adhere to company policies, they can enjoy flexible schedules.




3) 이유

beause, since, as, now that ~때문에, 이므로


We will resume the construction now that the budget has been approved.




4) 양보

although, though, even though, even if 비록 ~이지만
whereas ~에 반하여
while ~이긴 하지만, ~에도 불구하고


Although the weather was unfavorable, the team successfully completed the outdoor event.

안좋은 얘기(-), 좋은 얘기(+)


5) 목적, 결과

so that, in order that ~할 수 있도록
so 형/부 that 너무 ~해서 ...하다


Let’s expand our team so that we can handle a higher volume of client requests.

so that은 조동사 can, may가 잘 어울려 다님

The new software interface is so easy that even beginners can use it effortlessly.


2. 시간과 조건의 부사절 문법 point

I will share our latest findings at the conference when you (will call / call) me to the stage.

 - 시간의 부사절에서는 미래임에도 불구하고 현재 시제제를 써야 함

We will reserve a venue if Ms. Taylor (will be / is) available for the upcoming meeting.

 - 조건의 접속사가 있는 절도 현재 시제를 써야 함





1. ——— Mr. Arnold was promoted to a higher position, his work-life balance sighnificantly deteriorated.
(A) So
(B) During
(C) While
(D) Despite


2. ——— expenses have increased dramatically, we decided to implement cost-cutting measures.
(A) On account of
(B) In case of
(C) Since
(D) Although


3. Many commuters prefer driving ——— taking a train because of the convenience and flexibility it offers.
(A) due to
(B) rather than
(C) within
(D) throughout


4. The SkyWing Express has announced that the flight to Tokyo will be delayed ——— 9:00 p.m.
(A) by
(B) for
(C) until
(D) during


5. ——— the health-related app is expensive, people are willing to pay for that service ——— its personalized benefits.
(A) In spite of
(B) Although
(C) As long as
(D) Provided that

(A) after
(B) onto
(C) due to
(D) in front of


6. ——— December 27th, HerbHarmony will launch their first organic soup with a 20% discount ——— they can attract many new customers.
(A) At
(B) On
(C) In
(D) From

(A) regarding
(B) so as to
(C) as to
(D) so that


뭘 외워야 하는지 다 찝어준다📌 전치사·등접·부접 토익 문법 [서아쌤의 비밀과외] (youtube.com)


34:50 부절 시작

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