
[토익 Part 5] 전치사

태봉2 2024. 6. 30. 19:56




1. 빈출 필기 암기 전치사 20개

1) at
시각 at 4 o'clock / 7 a.m. / at the end of this year
정확한 지점/주소 at the piarpot / the library


2) on
월/일, -day on Novemver 21st / Sunday
접촉 on a table


3) in
월, 계절, 연도 in September / winter / 2073
행정구역, 3차원 in New York / Korea / the classroom


4) after
기간 after tew hours / five weeks
시점 after 7p.m. / 3 o'clock / the event


5) before
시점 before 12:30 / Friday / lunch


6) until
지속성 ~is open until the end of the month
~is closed until May 2nd


7) by
일회성 submit by Aprill 17th
by + ing by submitting your application from


8) during
특정한 기간 명사 during the seminar / vacation / conference / meeting


9) for
숫자 for three months / two hours
숙어 arrange for / account for (설명하다, 차지하다)
~을 위해  for your safety


10) to
~(쪽으)로 to the office /  the station / the second floor

 - 방향성이 있음


11) from
~에서(부터) from various countries / Italy
from A to B / 9 to 5 / bad to worse / take from two to three hours

 - 출처, 출발지


12) through
~을 통해, 관련하여 through a tunnel / the window / e-mail  동의어 = via

 - 수단, 매개


13) throughout
장소 throughout the world
시간 throughout  the weekend


14) within
기간 within the next 2 weeks
숙어 within walking distance
~을 위해  within the budget


15) without
~없이 without written consent / permission / official authrization

- 소유, 경험에 사용x


16) between
사이에 (위치, 시간) between Japan and China / 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. / two jobs

- (2)복수명사

17) among
둘러싸인 among the trees / the crowds
~중의 한 사람으로(하나) Shi is among the award winners.

- (3)복수명사


18) since
전. ~이후 since 1999 / Friday / founding the company
접. ~이래로, ~때문에 I've been doing this work for ten years since I joined this company
I have lerned a lot since I left school.
부. ~이후 I have not seen her since.

- ~이래로로 쓰이는 경우, 현재완료 시제와 잘 어울려 다님


19) despite   20) in spite of
~에도 불구하고 despite members' hard work / despite the inclement weatjer / despite their problems
동의어 = in spite of




2. 생소하지만 기출 전치사 16개

1) underneath
~의 밑에, 아래에 underneath the table / the bridge / this stage


2) because of = due to = owing to = on account of
~때문에 owing to an unexpected event / due to recent heavy snow
because of
the economic crisis / on account of the flood


3) as
~로서 (신분명, 직책명) as a doctor / a child / manager / a leader


4) following
전. ~후에 following the meeting / conference (전+관+명)
형. 그 다음의 the following month /  year / quesions (관+형+명)


5) -ing형 전치사
~을 포함하여 including tax
~에 관하여 regarding / concerning / about / on / over the project / the letter
그럼에도 불구하고 notwithstanding some problems

- notwithstanding은 전치사, 부사로 쓰이고 둘 다 뜻이 같음


6) of로 끝나는 전치사
만일 ~한다면 in case of an accident / fire
만약 ~할 경우에 in the even of an earthquak
~의 결과로서 as a result of salary negotiations
~에 비추어,고려하여 in light of the rapid in crease
앞에, 보다 빨리 ahead of class / schedule





(43) 뭘 외워야 하는지 다 찝어준다📌 전치사·등접·부접 토익 문법 [서아쌤의 비밀과외] - YouTube





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